A note regarding Coronavirus

Good Evening –

We sure you are all closely following news and updates regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus).  We want to let you know that we are monitoring and following guidance from the local health department.  We will continue to follow their recommendations as the situation evolves.  Currently this will involve promoting proper hand washing techniques, extra thorough cleaning with bleach at the end of each day and having hand sanitizer available for K-5 grade students and teachers.  State regulations prohibit us from allowing preschool students to use hand sanitizer.

We are also reminding parents to keep their children home if they are sick.  (Remember, children must be fever free, without the help of medication, for 24 hours before returning to school.)  Due to the increased risks to public health at this time, we encourage everyone to be extra conservative when deciding if their child is sick and should stay home.  When in doubt, go ahead and keep them home.  We will be happy to see them when they are once again feeling 100%!

If you want to receive updates from the Oregon Health Department, you can follow this link to sign up for email alerts Oregon COVID-19 Updates.

Thanks for helping keep our school community healthy!



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